A search engine is a tool of the web that helps the user to find information on world wide web about any query they want to know , What are the Top 10 search engines and why people use it? The search engine is a platform where people search about their queries and get information at one place.
Most reliable, popular and famous top search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing and MSN as well. Search engines work through automatic applications of software. These applications are called robots or spiders. These Bots travel from link to link and from one site to another.
В Top 10 search engines
There are many search engines that use different methods and ways to create results for the search. Every search engine uses different complex mathematical formulas to generate search results. The results of any query displayed on Search engine result page SERP. In simple words, SERP is the result of any keyword or query search by the user.
During this process, search engines collect Page title, description, keywords, H1, H2. After this, it gives the ranking to different results. Top ranking on different search engines could be different. Search engines also go through updates and revision throughout. Search engines like the site with is based on HTML and CSS. The more the website will be simple the more its ranking will be higher.
Search engines play an important to give the ranking to any website. That’s why for good SEO of any website or blog it good ranking on a search engine is very important. People mostly use Search Engines in order to Research anything , getting ideas about fashion or Entertainment as well. If someone wants to do the SEO of website then he must know the likes and dislikes of search engines. One must clearly know what people want to search mostly. So keep knowing the moods and updates of search engines if you want to do the SEO . You could never be able to know about “What is SEO” until you know “What is search engine”!