Top SEO SEM Tips 2017 to get higher ranking in search engines


Here we will tell you top 10 SEO SEM tips 2017 to get higher ranking in search engines but before that, you must know the difference between SEO SEM. SEO means search engine optimization and SEM means search engine marketing.

Simply, SEO is a part of SEM because it covers the whole marketing of search. Anyhow the purpose of both is to improve ranking in top search engines.

В В SEO tip 2017, SEO 2017, SEO SEM tips 2017


Keyword Selection

selection of proper keyword is the most important tip for Seo and sem. If you will not select proper keywords your ranking will not improve.

Quality Backlinks

The second tip to get the good ranking is to create quality back links for your site.

Super Ad copy

If you are doing paid marketing then your Ad copy must be very extraordinary. It should clearly mention your goals.

Google Penguin three algorithm

To get good ranking all webmasters should focus on the Google penguin three algorithms.

Page Rank and SEO

To get good results in ranking the PR and SEO should go side by side.

More focus on mobile

To get good results from SEO and SEM we should more focus to improve the mobile search performance. Recently, Google announced to create a new index for mobile separately.

Content writing still the king

SEO SEM still depends on content writing for getting the higher results. Content is everything still to grow more and more.

Video Advertising

For good SEO and SEO, we should focus more and more on Video advertising as well.

Get reviews quickly

In order to improve your rankings, you need to get the reviews quickly. If you will not get the review of your work you can’t grow anymore.

In further articles, we will learn about What is a difference between SEO and SEM?